Monday, August 8, 2011

Our Identity in Christ...

As I was walking today I had the most beautiful revelation.

I was thinking and praying about a dear friend that I love. I felt such a pleasure and security in this person's friendship and love of me. I felt so unselfconscious, unfearful, fully at ease and confident in who I am as I prayed and thought about this friend. 
Then...the Lord just broke through in my thoughts.
"My dear Cheryl, how much I love you. You can fully rest in MY LOVE for you...a thousand fold more than the precious love of your friend. How much more do I love you than anyone on this earth, because I created you for My pleasure and you will never disappoint me no matter what you do because 
NOTHING can separate you from MY LOVE."

I was so overcome by the fact that though I LOVE My Jesus SO MUCH, that beautiful place of RESTING with FULLNESS of my identity in Him has many times alluded me. 

I think, sometimes, because we cannot feel the arms of Jesus around us...the hug, the lips upon our cheek, the sound of His voice in our ear...his flesh before us, we can sometimes forget to what full extent we can find ourselves in His LOVE and His ...

"You are my beloved." 
Though I know this in my heart TODAY the Lord took me to a new level of fully ENGAGING in His love for me...for US!!! 
And I just HAD TO SHARE IT WITH ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
What FREEDOM we can walk in knowing WHOSE we are and that nobody can take that from us...EVER! 

Jesus...when you said in your word,"Come run with Me." 
"Rest in Me." ...I am.

Thank You for your GREAT and ENDURING and UNFAILING LOVE! 
I love you. 
~ Cheryl

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