Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Jumpin' for Jesus!

So, yes, we are back from SC and the NEW WINE conference and being with our dear friends, Dwight and Bethany. WOW! I think I would have made Olivier (pictured on the side) proud! By Saturday night the Spirit of the Living God was moving through our buddy Dwight, and his worship team, to such an extent that everyone was running to the front to JUMP! = ) Bethany said, "You want to do something fun?!" And she grabbed my hand and we went to the front to JUMP! It was a great time! Nothing like a couple of 40 year old women jumping for Jesus! = )

The main thing I took away from this conference, that Bill and I felt was the most important thing we received, was something the main speaker, Kenny Borthwick, spoke on...."Empty people minister to empty people". So often we get caught up in thinking about who we are, what we are gifted in, timing, who we are ministering to, and what WE can do for Jesus. But Kenny really showed us that it's not about anything we do, but being available and present with the Lord and just BEING! So. Something Bill and I are going to start stepping into more and more in both our individual relationships with the Lord and also our ministery to others in His name is letting Jesus use His empty vessels.

I'll send off photos later as Bill gets them on the computer, but I wanted to share our joy with you, and thank those that prayed for our time there! Worth your sacrifice in prayer! Thank you! = )

"...with the sweetest affection." (1 Peter 1:22),

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