Saturday, February 20, 2010

"And Your Body is a Temple unto the Lord"...

For many of us, DIET is a very important aspect of our day. 
If it be for the Good or the Bad. 
Jesus, speaks much in His Word about what we put in our bodies. That our bodies are living sacrifices for Him....a TEMPLE of the Holy Spirit.

He also CREATED us...from our mother's womb we were fashioned...fearfully and wonderfully made. 

We have one body to last us on this earth and Jesus intended for it to function well and be a usable tool in His hands. we begin this Lenten Season I wanted to share a diet that has been AMAZING for me in the past and it is a wonderful jump start to healthy eating and a fully functioning temple unto the Lord. 

Michael Thurmond's 6 Week Body Makeover
(You can Google it and read it yourself) 

It is designed for individual body types to press into your own unique metabolic rate. The diet designed for my body type is listed below. This is a basic list of meals, but there are all kinds of creative ways to spruce up these meals. 

Here is the daily plan:

Breakfast: 2 eggs, 1/2 cup oatmeal, small fruit

Morning Snack: 3 oz of chicken, small potato

Lunch: 3 oz chicken/turkey, small potato or 1/2 cup of rice, 1-2 cups veggies

Afternoon Snack: 3 oz chicken/turkey, small fruit

Dinner: 3 oz chicken/turkey, small potato or 1/2 cup of rice, 1-2 cups of veggies

Nighttime snack: small fruit

This diet is A LOT of food and each meal is to be eaten within 2-3 hour intervals. It boosts metabolism and if eaten strictly with 30 minutes of regular walking daily in your first week you can lose up to 10 lbs as well as feeling AMAZING!!! 


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