Thursday, March 11, 2010



I hear the sweet voices of little ones upstairs...playing together. The hush has fallen over the house after rummaging and discovering. 

I hear the birds chatting with each other out my office window.

I wait for the rain. 

Change is constant...

racing to get that floor clean...

quiet...warm snuggly baby girl wrapped up on my lap reading...

fighting to keep to task...where my heart lies....the Spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. 
"Can you color with me, Mommy?" 

"Mommy, I need help with my spelling words!" 
"She took my special present, Mommy! She's mean!" 

"Gracie, come on...Let's Play!" 
Can I sit...No...Daddy will be home soon...are we ready for him?"

Jesus...I missed You this morning. Jesus...I can't move and breath and have my being for my family without our still time together..."Be Still and Know That I am God." 
Jesus...I fail so miserably...but my little loves...they don't notice. = ) 

May HOME always be a place of rest, love, and learning...with YOU, Jesus, at it's healm. 

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