Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Fruit of Obedience...

Today I called my hubby on his way home from work to share that he needed a heads up that the house was going to be an eyesore on his return...but I then shared with him my HOPE and DESIRE for the new year that in a few months, he will enter his home after work to a lovely, peaceful, clean home. I told him how I wanted to bless him and that he could anticipate the aroma of a hearty meal and children settled and ready to be engaged by him.

My husband is AMAZING in regards to not complaining, not nagging me, ...sometimes I feel like if I had to be married to me I wouldn't be half as tolerant!

I've struggled these last few years with over commitment, Burnout, and post partum depression. When I began blogging I encountered Tara's blog, Too Many Kids in the Bathtub and it has been such a refreshment to walk with her through the Lord's movement in her life and to prepare for my time to be able to put these mutual longings in place in my life this new year.

It has been SUCH a balm to my soul to meet all you lovely ladies with similar heart desires as Daughters of the King, as wives and mothers of multiple children and those of you who LOVE BEAUTY as much as I do!

The photo above is of Bill and my youngest, Liliana, enjoying the spring rain of an evening with anticipation of what is to come! Thank you Tara for your latest postings on being a Godly Wife...it has been a blessing!


Too Many Kids In The Bathtub said...

It is such a blessing to see the heart of a wife who earnestly seeks to do what the Lord asks her to do! You are truly a Proverbs 31 woman whose husband will be known at the gates!

Cheryl said...

What a gift to read those words! Jesus is teaching me more and more about letting go and "if you love me, obey my commands" don't compromise or seek for your rights...just DO IT! And the fruit is all that it should be...from our heavenly Father!

So wonderful to hear from you, Tara! Lovely lady that you are! = )