Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I got to thinking today about a few things. 
As I was scrubbing the bathroom and listening to the girls making messes behind me my mind was just going. I looked at myself in the mirror and this is what I saw:

~ Major bad hair day

~ My stomach growing out again because I've put back some of the pounds I've worked so hard to shed. 

~ Anger lines on my face from my impatience and frustration with the constant Inconsistency I exhibit in my day to day life. 

~ Saddness because it seems I'm always going one step forward and 3 steps back. 

I realized today WHY I gravitate to my blog and the "Blog Moms" every day. I've really been wondering about this the last few weeks. I realized today that it is two things:

~ Accountability...

~ Hope

Like the photo above...this is a dress I am DYING to get back into! I LOVE this dress SO MUCH! Today it's an analogy of how I want to see myself as a Mom, Wife, Daughter of the King...I'm not there yet...I'm here:

I'm tired of being HERE. 

I'm tired of being drab and heavy and uncomfortable. 
As I blog and as I read the journeys of other Moms I get inspired. I get motivated. I share things on my blog that may not be "consistant," but are ways of keeping myself accountable and a place to see HOPE as I struggle to...

~ not lose it when Gracie and Liliana attack the Family Room with TOYS after I've just straightened and cleaned. 

~ When I AGAIN can't get my butt out of bed to enjoy the few sweet quiet moments with the Lord. 

~ Don't keep the train moving after the kids get home from school so that we have a peaceful and productive evening and all the kiddos get to bed on time and Bill and I can have some time alone. 
~ not give in AGAIN to that second coffee or that third chocolate...when I DEEP inside want to be eating my lovely healthy diet all the time. 

These are just to name a few. = )

I know I'm PMSing a bit here...but I believe that "PMS mountains" are just magnifiers of what's subconsciously lurking underneath. 

I'm sure I'm not the only mom out there with these days...feelings...etc. 
I just felt like sharing. = ) 

I know I will get into that dress...ONE DAY! And I know that I will get close to "being" what this dress represents as I keep making strides to remember to

"Be Still and Know That I am God."


brianna said...

Hi Cheryl.
I am so glad you found my blog and introduced yourself yesterday. I read you comment, and then I prayed for you. Because I know how hard it is to settle in a newer place. Especially with young kids. And I think it's really great that God has given you the outlet of this blog for some accountability. And hope. I love that! I was just reading in Hebrews last week about hope. That is such a recurring theme there in Hebrews. One I've never really laid hold of before. But especially chapter 6 was awesome for me. It talks about Jesus being our hope that anchors our soul. That's what I'm praying for you -- that He speaks that firm and secure hope to your soul as it is anchored in Him. And in True Hope. Blessing to you. Truly.

Amy said...

Oh boy, Cheryl! I toooootally get it!
Did you know that I have a food addiction? Been blogging about it for awhile now... if you want to hop over, maybe it might be another area of encouragement and hope, my friend! totally up to you! but just wanted to let you know!

Prudence said...

I am really in the same place in my life as you right now. It can be discouraging. I'm in the boat with you trying to throw buckets of water out, you probably didn't see me sitting right behind you.. at least we have our life jackets(Jesus) on!

Cheryl said...

So glad to hear from you ladies!

Brianna, loved visiting your blog and THANK YOU for your prayers!

Amy...SUCH a blessing to have your addiiction blog NOW ON MY SITE! = )
I'm so grateful for you!

Prudence...what a GREAT visual! YES, Jesus is our life jacket...It's just always nice to know that there are others in the boat with you, you know what I mean? = )

Much love to all of you lovely ladies!


Anonymous said...


Wonderful thoughts on Mom Blogging.

We are all in this together (now I will be singing High School Musical all day:).

I can't help it. I'm afraid I'll miss something...

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

I think I'm there with you. That dress is just lovely and your post had me thinking of how "frumpy" I've felt lately.

Thanks for the good thoughts to inspire.

Have a wonderful week, Tamara

Cheryl said...

Hi Kathi and Tamara!

SO WONDERFUL to hear from you beautiful Mommies!

I'm the same...if I don't keep up with at least the ladies that have truly blessed me I feel like I'm missing something, too.

And, Tamara, I have these black antique lace up boots, that I LOVE that I wear with this dress. I haven't worn those boots or this dress in over 3 years! I have a goal...hopefully by the Fall I can make it there and put a sweater with it! = )

Much love,